Dr. Vanessa Ruiz Dr. Vanessa Ruiz

Breaking Free From Bedside: A Quick Guide on Starting a Career in Functional Health Coaching

Breaking Free from Bedside: A Guide to Starting a Career

in Functional Health Coaching for Nurses

Have you ever wanted to do more for your patients as a nurse? Do you feel frustrated with the current healthcare system, which appears to only treat symptoms rather than the underlying causes of illness? If so, functional health coaching could be the perfect career change for you.


I’m Dr Vanessa, a holistic nurse and Naturopathic Doctor. I've been where you are - missing something in my career and wanting to make a genuine difference in the lives of my patients. I discovered that functional health coaching enabled me to do exactly that.


As a nurse, I've seen firsthand how healthcare frequently focuses on symptoms rather than addressing the underlying causes of illnesses.


If you're interested in becoming a Functional Health Coach, here are some steps to get started:

Step 1: Determine your ideal client.

Consider the type of client you want to work with. Is it overwhelmed and stressed-out new mothers? Perhaps it's diabetic patients. Who would you like to work with and who would you like to help? The first step in developing a successful Functional Health Coaching business is to identify your ideal client.


Step 2: Figure out how you can assist your ideal client.

Once you've identified your ideal client, consider the therapies and modalities you'd employ to assist them. For example, my ideal clients are those who have experienced complex trauma, and I assist them with mind-body coaching and nutrition. Make a list of the therapies and modalities you would use to help your ideal client, as these will help you choose your certification.


Step 3: Start marketing yourself

It's time to start marketing yourself now that you've identified your ideal client and the therapies you'll use to help them. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are excellent places to begin. Share your knowledge, passion, and journey with your followers.


Step 4: Get coaching insurance

Coaching insurance is essential for both you and your clients' protection. It's a small investment that will save you a lot of trouble in the long run. Conduct your research to find an insurance provider that meets your requirements.


Step 5: Start an LLC

For any company owner, including Functional Health Coaches, forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a smart option. An LLC protects you from liability and separates your personal assets from your assets.

Step 6: Network and collaborate

Building a successful Functional Health Coaching business requires networking and collaboration with other healthcare professionals. Attend conferences, workshops, and events where you can network with other industry professionals. Collaborate with other professionals to broaden your knowledge and reach a larger number of clients.


If you're ready to take the next step in your nursing career and become a functional health coach, I have great news for you. The Certificate for Functional Coaching and Integrative Health for Nurses is coming in July! This mentorship and certification program is 4 months and will give you the training and support you need to start a profitable functional health coaching business.


I hope this article was useful in guiding you on your path to becoming a Functional Health Coach. Remember that the sky is the limit, and your passion and expertise can truly change the world.


If you found this to be helpful, please visit/like/follow our social media platforms @nursesfornaturalhealth and @traumahealingdoc (for Behavioral Health)


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Dr. Vanessa Ruiz Dr. Vanessa Ruiz

Why Self Care is Important for Mental Health

Sophie Letts

Image via Unsplash

Image via Unsplash

If you’re dealing with mental health challenges—whether it’s depression, anxiety, chronic stress, or any other issue—you’re not alone. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many aspects of daily life for countless Americans. So it shouldn’t be surprising that more people are struggling with their mental health in their day-to-day lives. 

Ignoring these issues rarely makes them go away, which is why it’s essential to take steps toward boosting your mental health so you can thrive during and after the pandemic. Along with checking out resources like Nurses for Natural Health, here are some tips to help you along the way:

Look into Your Healthcare Options

The costs of mental health services for which you will be responsible depend on the type of insurance plan you have.

  • If you’re a senior, learn what mental health services your Medicare plan covers.

  • If you have private health insurance, make sure you understand the coverage.

  • If you have no insurance, research the various programs and services available to gain access to mental health care. 

Be Conscious of Your Diet

Few things are more important to your overall health and well-being than following a good diet.

  • Understand the nutrition your mind and body need to function at full capacity.

  • Limit refined sugars and processed foods in your diet.

  • Learn to have a meal plan once a week, which can ensure that you are eating healthy. Plus, it can save you time and money in the long run.

  • Research the top wellness products on the market.

  • Opt for water over sugary beverages.

Develop a Consistent Exercise Routine

Physical activity is another essential aspect of living a healthy life.

  • Learn about the short-term and long-term health benefits of exercise.

  • Research and/or try out a variety of activities until you discover some that you enjoy.

  • Make a point to exercise at least three days a week.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Finally, sleep is often the most overlooked part of self-care, but your mental and overall health depend on it.

  • Understand the importance of sleep when it comes to your mind and body.

  • Come up with a nightly routine that helps you to unwind and fall asleep, whether it’s taking a warm bath, listening to soothing music, or doing light yoga stretches.

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on the weekends.

Don’t let this pandemic continue to compromise your mental health. Consider the tips and resources listed here for learning about your healthcare coverage, following a nutritious diet, and getting the exercise and sleep your mind and body need.

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Dr. Vanessa Ruiz Dr. Vanessa Ruiz

How Mindfulness and Meditation Can Help Your Brain Health

The brain is perhaps the most interesting organ in the human body.  It is incredibly complex, dynamic and new things being discovered about the brain

“There have been numerous studies done on how meditation and mindfulness benefit your brain function and health long term, and it’s extremely beneficial in patients with mental health issues, such as anxiety, reports Dr Vanessa Ruiz, a naturopathic doctor who addresses mental health issues through mind-body therapies.  Here’s what the science is saying about meditation and mindfulness: 

Neuroscience Behind Meditation And Mindfulness 

Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist at the Harvard Medical School, studies the brain using MRI technology, analyzing changes in the brain during activities such as yoga or meditation.

During these mindful experiences, MRI imaging has shown that the physical structures of the brain can change. One study conducted revealed that meditation and mindfulness activities prevented or slowed down the thinning of the frontal cortex. This is meaningful as the frontal cortex deals with memories and maintaining volume in that area could prevent aging and memory loss. 

In a second study from Lazar, subjects were tested to see the positive effects of mindfulness and meditation. Subjects participated in eight weeks of mindfulness practices and upon completion, imaging showed a decrease in volume at the amygdala, an area of the brain that activates the fight or flight response. 

Long term, mindfulness and meditation may help  those with depression, insomnia and anxiety reduce stressful situations.

Benefits Of Meditation And Mindfulness 

Here are some of the main benefits of meditation and mindfulness that can improve the quality of your life:

·      Improves attention span and focus 

·      Increases tolerance levels

·      Improves your emotional intelligence

·      Boosts traits such as compassion, empathy, kindness, and acceptance

·      Increases self-awareness

·      Boosts emotional health

These are traits we all need if we want to live a healthy and peaceful life. However, the benefits of these don’t stop here. There are many mental health benefits of meditation and mindfulness too. Let’s explore those. 

Benefits Of Meditation And Mindfulness On Mental Health 

Here are some of the main mental health benefits of meditation and mindfulness:

·      Lower stress levels 

·      Lower anxiety

·      Can help prevent relapse into depression

·      Decreases feelings of loneliness

·      Helps fight negative thoughts and patterns

·      Improved quality of sleep

“I’ve seen many of my patients improve by implementing these in their daily practice, says Dr. Vanessa Ruiz, “people are using them because it is helping them lead a better life in a world where our brains are always in a mode of hyperactivity.”

Final Words 

If you want to lead a better life then you should introduce mindfulness and meditation practices into your life. Once you engage in these practices consistently you will notice how better your life and brain health will be.  

Join our Mindfulness Practitioner program here.

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Holistic Nursing Dr. Vanessa Ruiz Holistic Nursing Dr. Vanessa Ruiz

How You Can Help Patients with Chronic Pain

Do your patients struggle with chronic pain? Even with medications and surgeries, patients often have little to no relief. Here’s how restorative yoga can improve your patient’s outcomes and reduce pain.


  Chronic pain affects millions of people globally and can lead to reduced life quality and disability (Cheung et al., 2016).  If you or your patients suffer from chronic pain, this can lead to a whole host of complications such as depression, insomnia, reduced immunity and increased chances of heart disease. Management of chronic pain utilizes long term use of NSAIDs, sedative medications, surgery, physical therapy or steroid injections, which often provide minimal to no relief. By looking towards integrative, alternative medicine and yoga, we can offer these patients increased comfort (Combs and Thorn, 2015). 

Yoga is one of the most common practice to improve health outcomes present since ancient time. The word yoga means developing a harmonious relationship between body, mind and emotions. It is an exercise based on physical and mental training. One of the main challenges in engaging patients with physical activity is the perception of pain with movement, however, a gentler with less weight-bearing and impact form of yoga that may be appropriate is restorative yoga. This form of yoga uses blocks, props and other accessories to help support patients in passive stretching. Asanas are various physical postures that are held for a specific duration and provide physical as well as psychological benefits. Restorative yoga improves flexibility passively, and reducing contractures (Kanaya et al., 2014) that are commonly seen in those with debility. Other benefits to incorporating a restorative yoga practice with patients is it can help to balance the immune system and nervous system, improves sleep, improves circulation and reduce anxiety levels. Most importantly, it has been shown to reduce pain (Kanaya et al., 2014). However, it is crucial to understand the selection and adaptation of specific Asana for an individual patient (Combs and Thorn, 2015). 

Nurses can integrate restorative yoga in their practice after attaining adequate training about accurate postures, health benefits, breathing practices, and active relaxation. Nurses already have sufficient training about positioning patients with disabilities however, restorative yoga would be an added tool to provide patients with increased comfort, improve range of motion and reduce of pain. Nurses can increase their understanding of contraindications and precautions that must be considered while placing patients in certain positions. In addition, leading patients through a deep breathing practice and meditative practice helps to increase the effectiveness of the asana. Several programs offer license and certification to integrate restorative yoga in nursing practice (Robison, Walter and Godsey, 2019).

With an increase in aging population and diverse health conditions, serious health concerns are being made towards the misuse of pain-relieving medications. Complementary and alternate therapies are attaining more popularity among healthcare practitioners to reduce pain and Yoga is one of the safest therapy. Use of Restorative Yoga is an efficient way to manage chronic pain and disability while receiving other benefits such as improved anxiety, insomnia and more. 

To receive your Certificate in Restorative Yoga, join us for our September session here. For a limited time only, get 10% off with code HEAL2024 off your registration.


Cheung, C., Park, J., & Wyman, J. F. (2016). Effects of yoga on symptoms, physical function, and psychosocial outcomes in adults with osteoarthritis: a focused review. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation95(2), 139-151.

Combs, M. A., & Thorn, B. E. (2015). Yoga attitudes in chronic low back pain: Roles of catastrophizing and fear of movement. Complementary therapies in clinical practice21(3), 160-165.

Highland, K. B., Schoomaker, A., Rojas, W., Suen, J., Ahmed, A., Zhang, Z., ... & Buckenmaier III, C. C. (2018). Benefits of the restorative exercise and strength training for operational resilience and excellence yoga program for chronic low back pain in service members: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation99(1), 91-98.

Kanaya, A. M., Araneta, M. R. G., Pawlowsky, S. B., Barrett-Connor, E., Grady, D., Vittinghoff, E., ... & Tanori, D. (2014). Restorative yoga and metabolic risk factors: The Practicing Restorative Yoga vs. Stretching for the Metabolic Syndrome (PRYSMS) randomized trial. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications28(3), 406-412.

Robison, G., Walter, T., & Godsey, J. (2019). Integrating Yoga Therapy into Oncology Care. Oncology Issues34(4), 26-35

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Holistic Nursing, Health Dr. Vanessa Ruiz Holistic Nursing, Health Dr. Vanessa Ruiz

Using Aromatherapy in Your Holistic Nursing Practice

The use of aromatherapy is on the rise with nurses to promote self-care and promote a therapeutic environment. Aromatherapy has a long history but its use among nurse professionals has been increased for a couple of decades.  Learn more about how to use essential oils and integrate into your clinical practice.


The use of aromatherapy is on the rise with nurses to promote self-care and promote a therapeutic environment for their patients. Aromatherapy has a long history but its use among nurse professionals has increased steadily in the last few decades. It is has attained much popularity among other complementary therapies. American Nursing Association (ANA) has also recognized Aromatherapy as a legitimate component for holistic nursing (Okpala, 2018).  It is considered as an effective tool to increase nursing care as well as enhance their empowerment. Due to the stressful environment and a high burn out rate among health care professionals, aromatherapy is a helpful tool for promoting the wellbeing of nurses and their patients. (Conrad, 2019). 

Benefits of Aromatherapy

There are several potential benefits of using Aromatherapy in self-care, acute care, palliative and Geriatric care. The use of aromatherapy in community nursing and long-term patient care has also increased. It is effective in reducing anxiety and distress by increasing comfort, relief of pain, relaxation, improved coping, reduction of stress, an increased sense of well-being (Johnson et al., 2016). It is also used to increase ease inpatient experience of disease, treatment and injury.

Some essential oils that have been used frequently are peppermint oil as it can be effective in relieving anxiety, fever, and headache and muscle soreness. Lavender oils are effective to alleviate insomnia as well as treating insect bites. Eucalyptus oil is used in sinus blockage, relieving pain, strains and muscle aches (Okpala, 2018). 

How Aromatherapy is Used

Aromatherapy uses therapeutic graded essential oils either by inhalation (direct or indirect) or via topical use. Inhalation affects the olfactory system, the part of the brain that is directly linked to smell, and its effects are due to it’s interaction with with the limbic system, which is involved in respiration, heart rate and helps to regulate the nervous system. Using essential oils through inhalation has been shown to also stimulate mood, balance the autonomic system and stimulate immune function (Lee at al., 2019). 

Methods of Application of Aromatherapy

There are different ways through which aromatherapy can be applied. Patients are encouraged to directly inhale aroma of essential oils, as this can be the most minimally invasive and have the least effect with medication interactions. Patients can utilize a diffuser, or use 1-2 drops of the essential oil on a cotton ball for several minutes. The scent of the essential oil, 1-2 drop-in a cotton ball or inhaler wick is provided to the patient that they inhale for 5-10 minutes.. It can also be applied in diluted form through spray bottles (Dusek, 2016). The topical application of oil is based on light touch and massaging the oil on a specific area of the body to relieve symptoms of pain. When applying topically, It is recommended that pure essential oils not be directly applied to the skin and diluted with a carrier oil, such as jojoba. More research evidence required to support oral intake of oils (Özkaraman et al., 2018). 

Applying Aromatherapy Into Your Clinical Practice

When integrating aromatherapy into your clinical practice, it is best to engage the patient. As with all therapies, informed consent should be requested from the patient. Certifications are available that help with understanding the pharmacology, mechanism of action and specific therapeutic indications of the essential oils as well as safety. To be most deeply relaxing, aromatherapy can be combined with restorative yoga

In Summary

Aromatherapy is a beneficial form of integrative medicine as it can help to balance the autonomic system, and promote overall well being not only of the patients, but also of the nurse. Because of the diversity of application, aromatherapy is a safe, effective modality and therapy for patients. To incorporate aromatherapy in your practice, certifications are available to understand the therapeutic indications, mechanism of actions of essential oils.


Conrad, P. (2019). Women’s Health Aromatherapy: A Clinically Evidence-Based Guide for Nurses, Midwives, Doulas and Therapists. Singing Dragon.

Dusek, J. A. (2016). Development of a Health System-Based Nurse-Delivered Aromatherapy Program.

Johnson, J. R., Rivard, R. L., Griffin, K. H., Kolste, A. K., Joswiak, D., Kinney, M. E., & Dusek, J. A. (2016). The effectiveness of nurse-delivered aromatherapy in an acute care setting. Complementary therapies in medicine25, 164-169.

Lee, S. P., Wu, W. Y., Hsiao, J. K., Zhou, J. H., Chang, H. H., & Chien, C. T. (2019). Aromatherapy: Activating olfactory calcium‐sensing receptors impairs renal hemodynamics via sympathetic nerve‐mediated vasoconstriction. Acta Physiologica225(1), e13157.

Okpala, A. (2018). The Use of Aromatherapy in the Reduction of Anxiety Levels (Doctoral dissertation, Brandman University).

Özkaraman, A., Dügüm, Ö., Yılmaz, H. Ö., & Yeşilbalkan, Ö. U. (2018). Aromatherapy. Clinical journal of oncology nursing22(2), 203-210.

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Dr. Vanessa Ruiz Dr. Vanessa Ruiz

How to Get Started in Holistic Nursing

Want to know more about holistic nursing? Here’s how to get started.


How To Get Started In Holistic Nursing

Recently, the world has seen an increase in the number of people switching to holistic and alternative therapies for healing. Approximately 42% of people in the USA use alternative or integrative practices for their health. So, as a nurse, how can you become a part of it?

What Is Holistic Nursing?

Compared to conventional nursing practices, holistic nursing is an approach that treats every aspect of the human: the mind, body, emotion, and spirit.

The goal of this type of nursing approach is to fully support the healing process with natural and integrative resources available - some include reiki, therapeutic touch or aromatherapy. Everything is interconnected and no aspect should be ignored while helping the patient in recovery or through a medical condition. 

How To Get Started In Holistic Nursing

If you are looking to be a holistic nurse then the first thing you need to do is understand your own healing philosophy. Your healing philosophy is based on your beliefs about healing and how to support someone during the healing process.

Reflect on Your Healing Philosophy

To understand your healing philosophy, you will need to reflect on what healing means to you. This will help you guide others as you help them move through the process of healing. Some questions that can help you reflect:

How do you approach your own health? Is your healing philosophy promoting prevention? Do you believe the body can heal itself? What are the modalities and determinants that can help a patient heal and recover? Is your body better able to heal itself with holistic practices?

These are the questions you need to be answering to help you understand your healing philosophy. You can only practice what you preach and a healing philosophy serves as a guideline for your practice.

After understanding your healing philosophy, you can then decide which holistic practices and therapies help you support others - reiki, aromatherapy, touch therapy, yoga and many more.

Scope Of Practice

After understanding your healing philosophy and honing in on therapies or holistic practices you will help your patients with, it’s best to consult with the scope of the state you are choosing to practice in. For example, if you want to do acupressure then you will have to check in with the board of acupuncture and nursing board in your state before officially practicing the modalities and therapies. .

Do You Need Certifications To Practice As A Holistic Nurse?

Firstly, you need to have your Bachelor of Science Degree (BSN) or Associates in Nursing After that, you can take up different certifications such as yoga, aromatherapy and others to be better trained for your practice.

The American Holistic Nurses Association provides different courses in Holistic Nursing that you can take up. Other courses are also available through Nurses for Natural Health, whether online or in person workshops such as Restorative Yoga. The courses are short and give you a chance to practically apply all the knowledge you have gathered. 

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Practice

Now that you’ve understood your healing philosophy, focused in on therapies and certifications to help your patients with and understood your scope of practice, it’s time to tell others! Look in your area for like-minded practitioners so you can build a networking base for yourself and your patients.

In these times, it doesn’t hurt to use social media as well to enhance your practice. Use it to build a following and increase your presence so more people can get to know about your practices. Invite other practitioners to also experience your therapies.

Be creative with your work and find new ways to incorporate your practices with other people. Maybe your workplace needs a session on mindfulness practices to promote productivity? Look for such opportunities or create your own!

Bottom Line

Nothing good ever comes easy but all of this is doable. Holistic nursing is an increasing trend that many people are switching towards to recover and heal better.

Understand your healing philosophy, practice what you preach and networking will help set you up for success. More people need such practices so be the one to take a step by creating awareness and use your practice to make a difference in everyone's lives!

If you are interested in hearing more about holistic nursing and how to get started, join our newsletter by signing up below!

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